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The Uropan Continent

Here you will find information on the world itself. There are four sections, one for each continent. Click on the links to be taken to the pages which will tell you all about the different countries and races that you will be encountering throughout the books, and additional peoples and places which are never even mentioned. No - not even once. You don't get much more exclusive than that, folks.

What's Where

"The Ice Fields" is actually one continent at the very top of the world. Living there is tough but possible because of the Gunning Gap, a huge abyss that runs through the middle all the way down to the molten magma below. Hot air rising up affects the climate and allows certain races to live in certain places.

The Uropan continent is very large, and consists of a great many countries including the Lotharian Empire in the south.

In the very south of the world lie the Thousand Islands, land masses of various sizes, ranging from a few feet across to the size of Australia. It may not be an accurate name, but it has stuck.

This is an equatorial continent, and consequently is far dryer and more tropical than the vast majority of the Uropan countries (apart from the south of Uropa).

​The Thousand Islands

The Olympic Continent

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