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I started writing when I was old enough to hold a pen. I think the first thing i ever wrote was a three line story about a pig that lived in a sty. (The End.) This was followed by a Hobbit fanfic, also three lines long, in which I was an Elf princess with glowing blonde hair that stretched Rapunzel-like down my back and using this as a light source (and my power to charm the giant spiders and my kick-ass fighting skills) I led the dwarves and Bilbo out of Mirkwood and saved everyone a ridiculous number of pages of them being stuck in there. I was only four years old at the time and convinced that I was going to marry Thorin Oakenshield when I grew up. Then we got to the part with the dragon, and I completely changed my mind. From then on, it was Smaug all the way.


Dinosaur Land was my first series, almost none of which was written down but rather stories I told my mother about my magical adventures when asked, "So what did you do today?"

..."Well, I floated down to Dinosaur Land in the magic bubble and then I met Lucy the Tyrannosaurus Rex (she's the queen of Dinosaur Land...)....."


Yes. My childhood really was that excellent.


​And sad.



If it wasn't for my Primary School teacher, Mr Haywood, I don't know if I would be writing stories now. I had gone off them and was writing poetry instead. I showed him a poem (encouraged rather forcefully to do so by my grandparents) and, as an afterthought, a story I had written called Hubble Bubble Ancestor Trouble, in which the entire family tree of some unfortunate siblings comes back to life after a lightning storm in Stonehenge. This included viking warriors, Turkish dancers, Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. My Haywood loved it, and so I threw myself into writing a whole series of them, filling a few spiral-bound notebooks. I vaguely recall making Julius Caesar the Prime Minister at some point.


I've been writing ever since, and I hope that I have vastly improved.



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